Ujung Kulon Krakatau

Explore and hike the beauty and power of nature

Ujung Kulon Krakatau Tour

3 days 2 nights

3 days boat, cruise, trek, hike, wildlife, canoe and snorkel on Krakatau and Ujung Kulon National Park

Take a high-powered speed boat cruise Sunda Strait trek, hike and snorkel around Anak Krakatau. Wild life watching, trekking through main forest for the last habitat Rhinoceros Javanicus Sundaicus Ujung Kulon National Park.

You will ride a high-powered speedboat to the newly formed island (Anak Krakatau). Hike up to view molten of rock and island surrounding and trekking, hiking and wildlife watching at The World Heritage Site of Ujung Kulon National Park.

Start: Jakarta                End: Jakarta

Price  from USD 350 

What is Included


What to Expect

Day 1

Explore underwater nearby the park (Badul Island)

We will pick you up at Jakarta airport or Jakarta city. We will meet you there, then for three- hour drive to West Banten Coast (Carita Beach).  Hop the boat head forward to Handeuleum Island. Before we get to Handeuleum Island We’ll stop off at Badul Island to do snorkel or swim. After lunch we head off Handeuleum Island. Check in at Ujung Kulon Eco-lodge. ( L, D)

Day 2

Canoeing along Cigenter River and explore Peucang Island

It is an early start today, after you’ve had breakfast we are ready to go canoeing at Cigenter for the 2-hour row, where The habitat of Python, hornbill,monkey, Crocodile and Rhino are occasionally sight in this area. Before continuing to Peucang Island (The unique and delightful Peucang Island lies in clear blue water off the north western coastline of the National park. It is white sandy beaches, calm, quite and coral reef shore holds a fascinating world marine life while Peucang is impressive forest shelter an abundance of wild life). Check in at lodge. Afternoon, we explore Peucang Island by trekking to the Karang Copong ( North of Peucang island ) passes through primary forest. ( B, L, D)

Day 3

Cruise and Hike the volcano

After breakfast, we are ready to cruise to Krakatau. It is approx 2.5 hours (if the weather is fine), uppon arrival we surround the Child of Krakatau by boat then we land on Child of Krakatau. Afterward we hike up child of Krakatau. After spending a few hours on Child of Krakatau, we then cruise back to Carita Beach. Transfer to Jakarta. (B, L )

Activities: Cruising, canoing, hiking, climbing, snorkeling - Wildlife-Active volcano

Note: This itinerary is subject to change due to group abilities and preferences, speedboat availability, weather conditions and forecasts